Rediet Baltina
Food processing, packaging and Distribution

 Rediet Baltina is for profit social enterprise built on a profound intention to support DR-TB survivors suffered from the financial crises resulted from the disease. Due to the prolonged treatment and recovery process, many patients lose their source of income, and the situation left their household’s livelihood in jeopardy. Rediet Baltina produces authentic spices, especially preferable as ingredients for Ethiopian dishes, through utilizing the manpower of TB survivors who lost their means of income during/after treatment.

Company Background

Rediet Baltina was initiated by a TB survivors group (Organic Health Care Service) working on TB prevention and adherence support on voluntary basis. TB champions within this group dedicate themselves to contributing to their community through educating society on prevention mechanisms and stereotypes and also support adherence to patients on treatment. Organic Health Care Service gave birth to Rediet Balitina to resolve the devastating effects of the disease on the livelihood of the survivors and also to support treatment adherence and prevent treatment dropouts caused by lack of income. Through this business, drug resistant TB patients that are beyond the intensive phase or completed the treatment are engaged in production and sales of products where they get paid for their services.  people are currently engaged where of them are females and the business forecast anticipates deploying up to  drug resistant TB survivors in the coming 5 years.

Rediet Balitina manufactures semi-processed food items like ground grains and spices targeting most of the population groups enjoying Ethiopian dishes. In the context of Ethiopia, most people consume the common national dishes on daily bases where products of Rediet Baltina are the main ingredients in the preparation. Due to the high demand of the product, it is fairly easy to initiate partnership with wholesalers, Hotels, supermarkets, mini markets, retail shops and even foreign market where Ethiopia community is substantial in number. Maintaining quality and supplying authentic products is the major value of the company which is believed to be the distinctive advantage making the company stand out.


To see Rediet Baltina being a multi-national business with significant contribution to End TB and other pervasive communicable diseases in Ethiopia


Supply authentic semi-processed ingredients of Ethiopian dishes for the local and international market and improve the livelihood of the TB affected community through creating job opportunity


  • Honesty:
    • The company will be committed to investing in a genuine manner and will not violate rights or bias people for profit purposes.
  • Creativity:
    • The company will create conducive environment for innovation and creativity on the sector and will expect the staff to act accordingly.
  • Persistence:
    • Innovation may go through many pitfalls and results may turn out to be discouraging but the team is motivated to be persistent in finding ways to make things work.


  1. Open manufacturing stores and shops in three regions of the country before the end of 2025.
  2. Employ up to 50 personnel (Drug Resistant TB survivors/patients out of intensive care) until 2026.
  3. Launch a training center on the preparation of spices and processed food that are currently produced by Rediet Baltina by 2026.